“…a polished and compelling staging of local history which the community has rewarded with sold-out houses.” – Theatrum, Canada’s National Theatre Magazine
In the fall of 1878 the small town of Amherst, Nova Scotia became the subject of headlines throughout North America. Eighteen year old Esther Cox was at the centre of a series of bizarre events soon to become known as The Great Amherst Mystery; a tale which Maclean’s magazine called, “Canada’s most famous ghost story and a classic Poltergeist case.” This play tells that true story and explores the tortures that Esther endured, as well as the Victorian morality that caused a young girl to blame herself for a series of spectacular events far beyond her control.
Cast Requirements: 3 Males/6 Females (some doubling)
Premiered at Live Bait Theatre, 1991
Subsequently produced by Mokami Players (Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NF) and again by Live Bait in 1993.
“Rhindress’s storytelling style and use of theatrical conventions (make for a) thought provoking and entertaining evening.” – Amherst Daily News
IN THE BEGINNING: Read the first few pages of Guilty! here. If you are considering producing the show please contact me at charlierhindress[at]hotmail[dot]com to receive an electronic copy of the full script.